23 short interviews, each with a collage of photographs, plus 8 longer interviews – including Stuart Turner, the founder of the Motoring News Championship (and one other RAC Rally winner), David Skeffington and Randal Morgan - a special feature on the Cilwendeg Rally, various marked maps, route & time cards for other events, and much much more, with 750 photographs and valuable contributions from a number of early Motoring News & RAC champions.
This is the sequel to `Do You Have To Drive Like That?’ – Part Two of Mick Briant’s personal story, plus 28 short interviews – each with a collage of photographs - with some of the most prominent drivers and navigators of the Motoring News Championship, and 750 photographs.
Scattered throughout both volumes are the interviews (some short, some longer) starting with some of the great early champions (MN and/or RAC), and ending with Gwyndaf Evans, Steve Hill and Mike Kidd. Each interview is accompanied by a personal collage of at least seven photographs; some considerably more.
To illustrate the scope of this work, for example, `Do You Have To Drive Like That’ contains 500 photographs, `If The Lanes Could Talk’ contains 600 photographs. At 1,500, this is considerably more than double these two books put together.
It will only be sold as a two-part set (ie, the books will not be available separately). Both books will bear the same number and each will be signed by the author.
It was during Part Two of my story that l won the Motoring News Championship in consecutive years – 1979 & 1980 – to add to my 1975 championship title and numerous BTRDA & Welsh Championship titles, with long-term rally partner, the incomparable Dave Kirkham.
Price £39.50 per volume - £79 for the pair + £12.50 P&P
Available mid to late summer 2015
Please email me for an order form mick@mickbriant.com
Malcolm Wilson before he became famous. From left, Willie Richardson, Malcolm Wilson, Malcolm Crawford
Included within the twin-volume book are 24 signatories, each one either a Motoring News or RAC champion driver or navigator, from 1958 right through to 1987 (two of these people actually won the RAC Rally):
Stuart Turner, John Sprinzel, David Skeffington, John Brown, Randal Morgan, Don Barrow, John Bloxham, Will Sparrow, Nigel Raeburn, George Hill, Peter Bryant, Mick Briant, Peter Valentine, Mike Pattison, Bill Gwynne, Terry Thorp, Dave Kirkham, Ron Beecoft, John Millington, Mike Hutchinson, Theo Bengry, Gwyndaf Evans, Steve Hill and Mike Kidd.
The special fully signed editions contain the original signatures of each of these drivers and navigators, each one visited at their home.
Please email for details/prices of the fully signed editions: mick@mickbriant.com